Monday, August 13, 2007

The Waiting Game

While Amy has been having some stronger contractions over the past few days, there still isn't a definite pattern. We thought for sure that he'd be here by now, but it just shows how little is up to us. Actually, it's probably better this way. Otherwise, we'd continue to believe that we have the foggiest notion of what we're really getting into.

We have an appointment tomorrow (Tuesday, 8/14) so we'll have more specific information soon. Until then, we'll just keep playing the waiting game...


Heather D said...

can't wait to hear how the appointment went...we're all on pins and needles up here. My heart starts racing every time mom or dad call:)
Amy, your list just cracked me up!! Gus will be here SOON...and before you know it you'll start to forget what it was like to be so uncomfortable all the time:)

Julianne said...

Amy, I remember, with both pregnancies, once I finally actually believed that I was going to be pregnant forever....the baby decided to come out! Not kidding!
We're excited for you guys....can't wait!!!