Friday, July 20, 2007

Bedrest Blessings

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, it was discovered that my blood pressure has unexpectedly become borderline too high. I was ordered onto immediate modified bedrest (this being defined as no heavy lifting, only light chores and the rest of the time spent on the couch lying on my left side!) I was obviously very surprised and disappointed. I've tried so hard to stay active and eat healthfully, but I apparently forgot about the whole resting during the last trimester thing. I've been so focused on trying to get everything done that I guess I've pushed myself a little too far.

So, as of Day 4 on the couch, I think God has given me some much-needed perspective. I've had time to really talk to baby Gus and enjoy his moving and stretching. I've watched birds hanging out in my backyard. I even spent today watching the entire 5 plus hours of Pride and Prejudice! I have realized that I have been very blessed to have this time to stop and catch my breath. I have wonderful parents who cooked and cleaned and did projects for me while they were here. I have great friends-like the one who is here tonight painting the baby's room for us. And I have an amazing husband who is so supportive-doing loads of laundry, making his own meals and rubbing my back whenever he gets a chance to sit down with me, all the while juggling a full-time job and all his neighborhood responsibilities.

So, I can honestly say that I'm actually enjoying my bedrest, as it gives me time to count the many blessings God has recently given me!

1 comment:

Julianne said...

Hi Amy. Hope you're feeling better. How long has the doctor put you on bedrest? Hope yall are doing well.