Friday, July 6, 2007

Baby Update Week 34

We had our most recent doctor's appointment this past Tuesday. According to the midwife, Gus is sitting head-down, ready to go, and weighing in at a whopping 4.9 lbs. He has been super active most days--even Scott has been able to feel him moving. Usually he doesn't like to perform for other people, but I guess he is losing his shyness! My uterus has been doing a lot of practicing this week too-lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions especially after dinner. Scott and his mom have been so great about it-I've gotten to rest with my feet up, read and drink tea most evenings! Not a bad life:)

It's hard to believe we only have 6 weeks left!!! It's amazing how that knowledge can motivate you! Here's the list of what's been done lately:

  • set up tour of hospital

  • set up appointment with pediatrician

  • wash and fold all baby clothes (they are unbelievably tiny!!)

        • get bassinet ready (since our crib is currently sitting on a ship in the middle of the ocean and isn't expected to arrive until early August)

        • make two baby slings (many thanks to Carol Ann!)

        • research cloth diaper options

        • read Babywise
        We are getting more and more excited!! And occasionally more and more panicked:) Here's my verse of the week (it has been recited many times lately!)

        "He will tend his flock like a shepherd;
        he will gather the lambs in his arms;
        he will carry them in his bosom,
        and gently lead those that are with young."
        Isaiah 40:11


        Anonymous said...

        Isn't my wife great!?! Proverbs 31:10!!!

        Heather D said...

        no reason to panic! you'll be a natural! we're so excited for'll only get better and better:)

        Anonymous said...

        Like the blog! Enjoy these next few weeks before Gus arrives - it may be the last time you write in your blog :). We're so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet Gus! Phil and Melissa

        Julianne said...

        Hey Amy and Scott! I love your blog. And I can't believe you're only 6 weeks away...from parenthood. I'm so excited for yall! It sounds like you have most things ready for the little guy. I love the's so sweet. What's happened with the crib? Anyways, talk to you guys soon! Love, Julianne

        Angela said...

        Did you finish reading Babywise? I love that book. It has given me a lot of comfort. :) There are tooooooo many horror stories being shared. :p