Monday, March 31, 2008


We have successfully taken our first real trip as a family of 3!

We made the journey up to Annapolis over Easter weekend. I was honestly expecting the drive, overnight stay and flights to leave the little man looking a little like this:

Instead, we had a really great traveling experience!! Gus did such a wonderful job. On the flights, he ate and played and even took one nap stretched across our legs. We are so thankful that he's such an easy-going dude:)

Here are a few pictures from his adventures at Oma and Opa's.

Hanging out with Grandma K.

Playing on the rug--our Mr. Independent.

Taking a bath in Oma's bath tub.

Again....entertaining himself:)


#1 Jim and Laura: your wedding was beautiful! We love you both and are so happy to see the family finally completed and full:)

#2 Happy Birthday Grace Olivia!! We love you too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mimi saw the pictures of Gus and her opinion (shared widely, I am sure) is that Gus is "beyouuuutiful" and she is greatly anticipating his visit to Houston soon, but not soon enough!!
Papa Gus