Friday, September 17, 2010

A Celebration of Milk

We are happy to report that Amy's long battle with dietary restrictions in nearly at an end.  First with Gus and now with Kip, Amy cut out a mind-bending amount of food from her diet so that she could continue to nurse our kids in a way that helped their intestinal tracts to heal and develop normally in the absence of any allergens that were exacerbating the problem.  Having been cleared of everthing but milk and peanuts, Amy started introducing milk back into her diet yesterday.  We kicked off the trial by heading out for ice cream at Clumpies with some of our friends.

Join us in giving thanks for the reintroduction of dairy to Amy's diet!  It seems like a little thing, but let me assure you that it is not.  So you can sympathize, we'll give you a simple test: try cutting just dairy, wheat and soy from your diet for one day and see how you do.  Extra credit: try to do that while eating one meal out at a restaurant.

If you think about it, you can also pray that Kip would pass this next allergen test phase with flying colors and that she would be one step closer to growing out of her allergies just like her big brother did when he was her age.

On tap for dinner tonight: Papa John's Pizza!


oma said...

Rejoicing with you and giving all the glory to God for your ability to persevere!!!!

Jennifer H. said...

I gave up dairy for Jonas and it was AWFUL. I can't imagine what you have had to do. You are amazing, Amy!