Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SC Friends

About nine months ago, two of our friends decided to leave TN and move back to SC where they are orginally from. We were able to see them in Charleston over Spring Break and had the chance to visit with them again on our way to Myrtle Beach. Turns out that their new house was only about ten minutes off of the interstate we used to make our trek to the coast.

This is Gus's friend, Grace. She is five months older than Gus and was actually his first date. all he really did was lean on her the whole time but we still classify the meeting as such! Here is the original post documenting the event.

Grace is a MUCH better hugger than Gus, but I have to say he did much better than expected.

We were only able to stay for a few hours, but we sure enjoyed seeing our friends again. We've been fortunate to have had two opportunities to see them since they left. We're not sure when we'll cross paths again, but whenever it is, Horgers...we look forward to it. Thanks for allowing us to zip in and out...and thanks for dinner and for all of the wonderful vegetables from your FABULOUS garden! (I will not thank you, however, for all the work I have to do now that Amy wants me to build raised beds just like yours!)

From right: Dave, Grace, Kristi, G Man and Hot Momma

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