Saturday, September 22, 2007

Survival of the Fittest

I thought I should add a quick update since we haven't written much or posted many pictures lately. We haven't done all those things because we seem to be in survival mode at the moment. Gus has become more and more fussy lately and I (Amy) have cut out almost all activity other than trying to care for him. Scott has been a wonderful help, letting me go to sleep early and then just getting me up for nursing. He spent most of this afternoon with Gus on his chest, finally catching some needed Zzz's, while I went to the store to buy toilet paper (we were down to our last roll!). Our friend Donna Smartt came over yesterday to watch Gus and give Scott and me a chance to go out for lunch. It was so nice to be quiet and alone!!

I have been praying for patience and strength, but today it finally hit me that what I really need to pray for is peace. Every little thing seems to make me worry these days....he's not sleeping enough, now he's sleeping too much, now his poop is green!!

But God is always I read that babies sometimes get more and more fussy until about the 6 week mark, so now we are holding out for week 6!! Only one more week to go!

My grandmother sent a card a week or so ago with the following verse, which I have been re-reading over and over:

"I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me." Psalm 3:5

All I can say is, AMEN.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm sorry. You are in our prayers. Troy has decided not to nap unless he's being held... It was wonderful when family was around...but now...I'm grateful for a comfy rocker.
Also, regarding the green poo. I thought Troy's was green until I looked at the diaper in natural light. The compact fluorescents turn yellow poo green. Go figure. They save energy but multiply stress! I've also been told by people that what you eat changes the stool color...too much spinach or salad?? :p