Monday, April 29, 2013

One Year

So we've been here now for one year.  365 days. Wow. To be totally honest, I'm glad we've all survived.  It doesn't feel quite like thriving yet, but I suppose we're on our way.
The verse I picked out to pray for our family this year has been a much needed one:
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6
 Right now we are perfecting the art of WAITING.   And asking daily for endurance and encouragement in that endeavor.
We continue to wait on our house project.  Here's some updated photos of what things look like these days:
 The buried path I spent a couple days digging out

So we're excited to have some new pipes, electrical wires, grass, ductwork and a giant hole under the front beam where they are building a new support wall. 
And, of course, these cuties are always along for the ride, helping in anyway possible....and usually getting themselves covered with dirt and/or mud in the process:)

Take Two

After a ridiculously subpar parenting performance this morning, yours truly is trying to make up for it by doing science in the kitchen with my little man.  Crystal growing at its finest right here, folks!

My accomplice in his super studly goggles.
Phase 1: Dissolve the colored chemical powder in boiling water.

Phase 2: Add small rocks to the bottom of container for the crystals to grow on.

 Phase 3: Pour mixture over the rocks and then sprinkle with "seed crystals" to start everything growing.  Then wait.....

Our blue batch from earlier this year, to keep our hopes up that this one will work, too:)
One happy junior scientist!

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Coming home from the baseball game the other night, we spotted a fox in the field at the front of the neighborhood. It was on Kip's side of the car, and when she saw it, she said, "It's a momma fox!" She paused for a split second and I had just started to ask her why it was a female fox when she exclaimed, "It doesn't have any horns!"