Sunday, April 15, 2012


our frugal celebration treat

On Friday, Scott accepted a job offer in Maryland! 
Looks like we are cleared for take off...just in the nick of time!!
God is good!!!

For those who haven't already heard the details (or for posterity), here's how it went down:

Weekend of February 18-19: I see an ad on Craigslist for a job with an environmental non-profit in Annapolis.  I (partly jokingly) ask Scott if he would like to work for them.  He replies, "Sounds cool."  We do nothing for a couple days.

Tuesday, February 21: After several days of painstakingly reworking his resume and slaving over a cover letter, Scott sends them off and breathes a sign of relief.  Then we wait.  And wait.  And wait.

Monday, March 12: After almost 3 weeks (which at the time felt FOREVER), Scott gets an email that they would like to do a phone interview with him.  He finds out when I screech the news to him over the phone on his way home from a trip to St. Louis.  Very exciting moment:)

Friday, March 16: Phone interview goes extremely well!  Much rejoicing.  They promise to get back to us by the middle of the next week.   So we wait.  And wait. And wait.

Tuesday, March 27: Scott gets an email asking him up to Maryland for an in-person interview.  Seeing as we had both given up (since it was a week past when they said they would get back to him), this was another very exciting moment! This time, Scott finds out when I screech the news to him over the phone on his way home from a trip to Atlanta:)

Monday, April 2: Interview in Annapolis goes very well.  Much rejoicing!  Then Scott receives a late night call to come in for a second interview the next morning, which also goes well.  Then he comes home and we wait.  And wait.  And wait.

Thursday, April 12: Scott gets an email that the executive director would like to have one more conversation.  As you may have guessed, this time Scott finds out when I screech the news to him....from the den.  Conversation goes well-mainly a salary discussion.

Friday, April 13: We spend the morning crunching numbers and looking over our budget.  Scott has a talk with HR and then with executive director.  After talking and praying, we decide that he should take the job if it is offered.  That night, about six o'clock, the phone rings again.  This time Scott has news for me!

April 14 - 26: We pack, clean and ask for help.

April 27: The truck is loaded and we finish cleaning

April 28: We make the long trek up with truck, car trailer, car, kids and cats up to the next chapter in Annapolis!

May 1: Scott starts work at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation!


This year I tried to make some time to prepare our hearts for Easter.  We decorated, did resurrection eggs, made an Easter garden and, of course, dyed eggs!

Easter morning started off a bit rough (check out Gus' face!).  The kids were too sick to go to nursery and Sunday School so they sat through the service with us (sort of) and then we had a store bought Easter lunch....which may become a tradition!  So quick, easy and no clean up:)

But in the afternoon, things turned around.  We went for a family walk and then had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.  Instead of more candy in the eggs, I put in little fingerfoods and we had a picnic dinner when they were all done hunting!

  He is risen!

Go Cards!

We're ready for the season to begin!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We are enjoying our spring around here: breezes, beautiful skies, and warm weather!

I am enjoying our yard in a whole new way since I don't feel the compulsion to plan another year of yard projects.  I can just sit back and enjoy all the work we've done in the past.  It kind of makes renting long-term sound appealing!

Favorite springtime activities so far?

Caterpillar catching...

and bubbles with Nonnie!