I decided a while ago that I should write an update about myself, just like I do for the kids. It's actually been a really good exercise for me to stop and think about what I am interested in and working on these days. So here it goes!
Being a full-time stay at home mom, I have found I need a schedule for my days and weeks. Here's ours in brief: Each day I try to get up a little before the kids and do some yoga or just get ready for the day. Then the kids are up; we attempt to do breakfast, dressing and teeth brushing before settling down to watch "Dinosaur Train" on PBS at 9:30. I take those 30 minutes to finish getting myself ready, clean up the kitchen and occasionally work in some more easy exercises, which Kip loves to "help" with....Gus is much too busy learning about dinosaurs:) Then we play or run errands or clean the house (depending on the day) until lunch around 11:30 or 12. Then it's "rest" time. Usually about an hour for Gus, unless he falls asleep, and an hour and a half to two hours for Kip. This is when I hunker down with my daily cup of Scottish tea (with sugar and half-n-half, of course) and my Bible or devotional book (currently it's Shepherding A Child's Heart).
If no one's up yet after that, I have time for a project or dinner prep. Then we have more playing, or visiting Scott at his office, or other errands (seems like I do those a lot!) depending on the day. Then dinner, some more playing, and bedtime for the kids between 7-8. Then we sort out the mess in the house and collapse on the sofa. Seriously.
Having 2 kids under the age of 4 is exhausting, but I'm excited by the fact that it's much less tiring than last year! I feel like I have more energy and time to try some new things and get out of the house more. I really enjoy running with some other ladies 3 morning a week. Scott has been so sweet to watch the kids those mornings! Last weekend, the girls convinced me to go on a "long run." I honestly didn't know if I could do it, but I hung in there for 7 miles through the woods. It was such an empowering experience, that I think I might be hooked....but we'll see if I actually do it again:)
I've taken on the task this year of starting a second garden area in our backyard. Last weekend, I ripped out all the grass and weeds, and this week I've been working on widening it a bit. Our tomatoes, peppers, and broccoli sprouts are happily growing on the windowsill in Scott's office, and we have a few things popping up in the backyard garden, too. I find so much joy in gardening, and I'll admit, I even like to pull weeds!
I have decided to make this a year of organizing: culling, decluttering and clearing out. Part of me wonders if the Lord has encouraged me to do this because some major change is on our horizon, but I think really I'm just motivated to try and clear stuff out to make my own life easier. It's so darn annoying to have to sort through tons of stuff just to find what you're looking for, you know? So our house is slowly getting more orderly, which I'm really excited about, but, please, DO NOT go into our attic.....because that's as far as all the extra stuff has gotten :)
Other random things I like these days are reading good books, watching The Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights (Scott and I finally succumbed to watching it after 11 seasons!), bringing in fresh flowers from our yard, couponing (my record is $60 worth of groceries for $20), baking and trying new recipes.
This stage of life is really good. I'm so thankful to be able to stay home every day with my kids and relax at night with my husband. I'm sure I'll be jumping back into the working world soon (somedays I wish it was right now), but for now I'm enjoying being here, and taking it one day at a time....even though there are some days, like today, when I realize much too late that I haven't brushed my teeth yet.....